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Eat My Uke Stan Hill over at Eat My Uke is the teacher many of us have been seeking! He's a phenomenal player who teaches every sort of popular music song you'd want to learn. His videos

feel like he's a good friend of yours who you asked to teach you the uke.

Click his logo to the left for his YouTube channel and the blue link for his website.

Musical U This website is headed by a great music educator named Christopher Sutton.  It's an outstanding resource for all things related to Music Theory, including ear training, scales, chord building, the Circle of Fifths, and more!  It's subscription based, but there's tons of free resources!

Eat My Uke YouTube

Ukelele Online (Fantastic website for Spanish speakers!)  Ukelele Online es un lugar donde puedes "aprender ukelele desde cero" con Javi. Las lecciones de Javi son muy útiles, y él explica todas las cosas importantes de una manera clara. Aún más, ¡para mí es un lugar donde puedo aprender mucho más español de un hombre muy agradable!

Suggestions?:  If you know of a great resource that Fretboard Toolbox users might find helpful, please let me know on my "Contact" link, which you can reach by clicking "Suggestions".   

Recommended Ukulele C-Tuning Resources

​​Ukulele Tricks Brett McQueen has tons of free and paid resources on his website, for beginners and intermediate players alike.  He's got over 66,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel, so he must be doing something right!  We're so lucky to be musicians in an age with so many resources available! :-)